Monday, June 13, 2011

How do you get to Supreme Council Session?

This coming week DeMolay leaders are attending the annual Supreme Council Session and DeMolay Congress Session in Grand Rapids, MI.  How do you get there? 

There is an old joke about how do you get to Carnegie Hall? The punch line is "practice, practice, practice" (actually, you take the express up a stop from Penn Station.) Some of our DeMolay leaders are getting there in interesting ways. Our New England Brothers board a bus Tuesday night and drive across I-90 seeing many famous sites.  Our brothers from Virgina are already on a Road Trip seeing famous sites. Some of us are going south to Atlanta to go North to Michigan. (It's a treat).

But somehow something that each of these brothers did enabled them to be entrusted by the brothers who elected them to represent their state and elect the next International Master Councilor. Or something that they did allowed the Grand Lodge to entrust that  "Dad" with the leadership and guidance of young men.

How did you get to Supreme Council or Congress Session?

1 comment:

  1. The brother Jorge Bazoberry and dad Willy Rodriguez representing Bolivia, the 75th jurisdiction of Demolay International took one plane from Cochabamba-Bolivia to Santa Cruz-Bolivia, then they took a plane from Santa Cruz - Bolivia to Miami - Florida, i'm not sure if they took a plane from Miami straight to Detroit or if they had to go to Dallas first... but they were planing to go to Grand Rapids from Detroit on a Road Trip. A long journey but i'm sure it was worth it to send the brotherly love from all Demolays in Bolivia to our brethren in USA!

    Santiago Dominguez
    PMC - Mariscal de Ayacucho Chapter 75022
