Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Because we have great members like Bobby Getschel

Rich from Southern NY reminded me today that Five Years ago Br. Robert "Bobby" Getschel was taken from us. I saw that on the facebook wall and my first reaction was "Five Years, already?" And then I realized how old I have gotten.  If there was a reason to be proud to be a DeMolay it's because of outstanding young men like Bobby. 

Bobby joined Pilgrim Chapter out in Queens at the age of 12.  His Dad was (and still is) a very active and passionate Mason and he wanted to be able to share the Masonic Experience had with his son.  Bobby took to DeMolay like a fish takes to Water. He loved the ritual, he loved the brotherhood, he loved to hang out and chat with other people and to learn about others.  He had a great term as Master Councilor and helped to put Pilgrim Chapter (NY) on the map. (If you're doing the map of NYC with a hand it's right below your thumb knuckle) Bobby was everyone's brother and never had a cross word for anyone.  One time when I went down to The City I walked into the Chapter Room and there was his dog, his mascot for his term, dressed in its own DeMolay Cape. It was cute, it was funny, and it gave his members something to rally around.  History may not have volumes large enough to records the millions of brothers who were true and loyal, but surely there is a place for our Br. Bobby Getschel in that list.  Tonight when you say your prayers say a special one for Bobby, and for all of us because we lost someone truly special.

See the attached article for a good summary of what kind of excellent man Bobby was.

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